OS/2 Off Topic

From: Charles E. Fox <foxvideo_at_wincom.net>
Date: Mon Jun 7 15:33:48 1999

        In with several boxes of old computer bits I frecently was given I found a
cd-rom titled OS/2 for Windows, complimentary copy.
        Using a 486-66 with a cd-rom drive recognized by both Dos and Windows 95,
I followed the instructions and created two floppies, "Install and OS/2
disk 1."
        Using these disks and following instructions I get to a point where it
says "insert CD-Rom disk", however by this time OS/2 has taken over to the
extent that the CD-Rom drive is no longer recognized, and everything grinds
to a halt.
        Does anyone have any suggestions? (Polite) Maybe this is why OS/2 didn't
really take off.


                                                                Charlie Fox

PS-- Some of the other junk was over ten years old, particularly the hard

                                Charles E. Fox
                       Chas E. Fox Video Productions
                793 Argyle Rd. Windsor N8Y 3J8 Ont. Canada
        email foxvideo_at_wincom.net Homepage http://www.wincom.net/foxvideo
Received on Mon Jun 07 1999 - 15:33:48 BST

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