OS/2 Off Topic

From: Lawrence LeMay <lemay_at_cs.umn.edu>
Date: Mon Jun 7 16:19:23 1999

What version of OS/2 is it?

I still have a bunch of sets of OS/2 2.0 on floppy disks. I'm keeping them
as a source of HD floppys ;)

Pay the shipping costs and you can have a set. No guarantees on my part
though, since I dont use OS/2... No installation manual, etc.

-Lawrence LeMay

> In with several boxes of old computer bits I frecently was given I found a
> cd-rom titled OS/2 for Windows, complimentary copy.
> Using a 486-66 with a cd-rom drive recognized by both Dos and Windows 95,
> I followed the instructions and created two floppies, "Install and OS/2
> disk 1."
> Using these disks and following instructions I get to a point where it
> says "insert CD-Rom disk", however by this time OS/2 has taken over to the
> extent that the CD-Rom drive is no longer recognized, and everything grinds
> to a halt.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? (Polite) Maybe this is why OS/2 didn't
> really take off.
> Regards
> Charlie Fox
> PS-- Some of the other junk was over ten years old, particularly the hard
> drives.
> Charles E. Fox
> Chas E. Fox Video Productions
> 793 Argyle Rd. Windsor N8Y 3J8 Ont. Canada
> email foxvideo_at_wincom.net Homepage http://www.wincom.net/foxvideo
Received on Mon Jun 07 1999 - 16:19:23 BST

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