Deadline: Teledisk group grab

From: Bruce Lane <>
Date: Mon Mar 1 08:47:42 1999

At 02:29 01-03-1999 -0500, you wrote:

>Just a note, some of us (like me) read the list in digest form, one
>big blob per day. It arrives around 2am with the previous days'
>messages in it. Usually I read it around 11pm. So there is typically


        This is exactly why I'm waiting until this Wednesday to close the gate on
it. ;-)

        Thanks for thinking of us.

Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies
Amateur Radio:(WD6EOS) E-mail:
SysOp: The Dragon's Cave (Fido 1:343/272, 253-639-9905)
"Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Received on Mon Mar 01 1999 - 08:47:42 GMT

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