Deadline: Teledisk group grab

From: Bill Yakowenko <>
Date: Mon Mar 1 01:29:58 1999

Just a note, some of us (like me) read the list in digest form, one
big blob per day. It arrives around 2am with the previous days'
messages in it. Usually I read it around 11pm. So there is typically
over 30 hours delay between when messages are sent and when I read
them. (Say, sent before 5pm, read the next day around 11pm). I
doubt that I am the only one in this situation, although I might be
the worst case, reading late at night as I do. (And now you know
why I always seem to revive dead threads!)

With this in mind, please don't expect everybody to respond right
away. If you really want to offer something to everybody, you have
to allow at least two days turnaround time.

Of course, if there are other reasons to need quick responses, do it!
I know I am sacrificing something to get the list in digest form, and
I won't blame anyone else for that. And in this case, I have such
mixed feelings about Sydex that I'm not sure I would have responded
anyway. So this is more of a "note for future reference" than
anything else.

Aside from all of that, thanks Bruce, for putting in the effort on
this. Even though I didn't leap at it, I did consider it, and
appreciate it.


On Sat, 27 Feb 1999, Bruce Lane <> wrote:
] Well! This is going better than I ever expected!
] We've got 17 people so far, counting myself, interested in chipping in for
] a copy of Teledisk. This has brought the per-person price down to $9.00
] (assuming $150 for the program plus $3.00 shipping).
] We have eight slots left out of 25 originally, and it occurs to me that I
] should probably set a deadline. For the moment, that deadline is 17:00
] Pacific Time Sunday (2-28). In other words, tomorrow by five.
] If you're interested in getting in on this, please let me know via private
] E-mail by then.
] Thanks to all who've signed up so far.
] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
] Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies
] Amateur Radio:(WD6EOS) E-mail:
] SysOp: The Dragon's Cave (Fido 1:343/272, 253-639-9905)
] "Our science can only describe an object, event, or living thing in our own
] human terms. It cannot, in any way, define any of them..."
Received on Mon Mar 01 1999 - 01:29:58 GMT

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