vaxstation 3100 scsi cables

From: Daniel T. Burrows <>
Date: Mon Mar 1 20:07:25 1999

I have some that I got from DEC surplus new and I think I have a couple used
ones for a whole lot cheaper than either of the prices for mentioned.
68 pin HD to 50 pin Centronics.
>> >
>> > I just ordered an external SCSI cable for my VaxStation 3100 model 40 -
>> > everyone said was terribly expensive due to it being a wierd connector.
>> > I ordered it from 1-800-digital and they want $58(us) + tax. For those
>> > with 3100 model 40s (it changes from model to model) the part number is
>> > 17-02-008-02.
>> >
>> I'd also like to point DECheads looking for cables to a place called
>> SeaCoast Digital, at They have some dirt-cheap
>> prices on DEC cables. I'm sure you -don't- want to hear this now, Jim,
>> but I've ordered the exact same cable through seadec myself, and it was
>> $28.00 (sorry!). They're a very good source for that kind of thing.
>> I can't vouch for their other parts, as I've not compared prices for
>> memory or option boards etc. But definitely check them out if you need
>> cables.
>> -Seth
>I'm looking at their web site now and they want 50 bucks for the same
>35 bucks for the 3 foot version.
>Jim Strickland
>Vote Meadocrat! Bill and Opus in 2000 - Who ELSE is there?
Received on Mon Mar 01 1999 - 20:07:25 GMT

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