Sun 4/110

From: John Ruschmeyer <>
Date: Thu Mar 18 17:06:41 1999

> One of the things that I saw was a SUN 4/110. Can anyone tell me the
> general specs for it. CPU type and speed, what size hard drive they have
> (if any), amount of memory, etc. Any idea of what it's worth? Also is
> anyone interested in it? I'm going back there tomorrow and can get it but
> I have to know before tomorrow or else it's going to be scrap metal.

It's an early Sparc-based system, probably around 20mhz, VME-bus.
IIRC, the 110 chasis has 3 VMS slots, but no on-board disk storage.
The system proably has a SCSI interface, though, (definately an Ethernet)
and could be hooked up to an external shoebox.

Received on Thu Mar 18 1999 - 17:06:41 GMT

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