Finally got a "straight" DF32 yesterday - bandwidth saver - many messages inside

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Thu Nov 4 14:03:37 1999

--- Mike Ford <> wrote:
> >More Paper tape software - A lot of old DECUS stuff for the 8/s (old dice
> >game, 5,5/8,8), etc.. Two trays of Disk Monitor and PAL III-D. I STILL NEED
> I have two trays, blue things with a clear top and 8 sections about 1x1
> inch, 4 or 5 of said sections complete with papertape still in them. $1 &
> postage to the first who wants them.

Ooh... ooh... I'm interested (if you don't want to ship them to Canada).
What's on the paper tape? I'm about to have a serial papertape reader
hooked up to my Linux box (DEC PR/S01) as soon as I can borrow my friend's
20mA<->RS-232 adapter.


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Received on Thu Nov 04 1999 - 14:03:37 GMT

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