ASR 33, KSR 43, Friden Flexowriter

From: Dennis N. Aruta <>
Date: Wed Nov 10 05:15:45 1999

Thanks for the Feedback and/or interest in these items.
I will revert if and when I can establish a value price, and
the problem, crating, packaging, shipping, as I am located
in Long Island NY, and would prefer to deliver it

Perhaps you may have some interest in these machines?
Currently have 3 ASR 33's 2 with omni modems, one with relays
               1 KSR 33 programable
               1 Friden Flexowriter, that I saw as imput to a cray
               computer at a computer museum on the web.


Dennis Aruta, Owner ShipFix (c) & International Commerce List (c),

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Received on Wed Nov 10 1999 - 05:15:45 GMT

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