Argh!!! PDP-8/m Memory

From: Zane H. Healy <>
Date: Sun Nov 21 01:54:33 1999

>If they do, you are reading back memory and writing it. If they don't you
>have a problem.

They don't :^(

>The first thing to check is that all the top connectors are in fact on.
>There should be no "edge" connectors visibla at the top.


>The next thing to check is the first board in the MEMORY stack has three
>solder jumpers in the lower right hand corner. They should _all_ be
>soldered in. (that's three 0's or page 0)

Dang, I thought you had it for a minute, the wires aren't where you'd
expect them, but they are in fact in place

>The next thing you should check is that the back plane does _not_ have gunk
>in it. This is a very common fault on old 8's.

I'm afriad this was the first thing I checked out, included removing the
pine needle. Earlier to day, I stripped the system down, cleaned it up,
and put it back together following the maintenance manual on how it should
go together.

Been looking through the maintenance manual, and it looks like among the
things I need to do tomorrow to check this out is to test voltages on both
the G104 and G227 boards. This has me wondering, does it matter if the
order is G104/H220/G227, or can you order it like G227/H220/G104 for
testing so you can take readings on the G227 board?

Also, just looked at Highgate, I take it the printset for a 4K Core Stack
isn't available online anywhere?

| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Adminstrator |
| (primary) | Linux Enthusiast |
| (alternate) | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |
Received on Sun Nov 21 1999 - 01:54:33 GMT

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