Spare BA* series chassi?

From: <(>
Date: Tue Nov 23 23:46:59 1999

Hi, all.. I've recently upgraded my microVAX II to a III and I have enough
spare qbus cards around to built another microVAX II, but unfortunently
no spare chassi.. I've scoured the general area and places like eBay and
i've not been able to track down anything, so I was wondering if anybody
had any spare BA* chassi that they would be interested in selling...

Looking mostly for BA23 chassi since they're a bit more mangable than
something like a BA123... I'd be willing to buy and/or pay shipping and
handling on any that anybody might not need.

Or, if somebody had a spare BA123 or something and lived in the south-
western to south-central Michigan area and rather excessive shipping
costs would not be an issue, i'd be willing to pick them up as well.

Thanks a bunch,
 -Sean Caron (
Received on Tue Nov 23 1999 - 23:46:59 GMT

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