Debugging ONMIBUS cards

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Wed Nov 24 09:26:12 1999

--- wrote:
> > the PDP-8/a, I can't generate discreet operations...
> Forget TTY, Forget OS/8, Forget the full spread of boards just the base CPU
> and memory that's all.

Then, so far, so good. As I said, it runs basic ops. The inchworm program
is about as far as I can get without custom-crafting diag routines until I
get a TTY online to read MAINDEC tapes. At the moment, all I have in the
-8/e is the CPU, an MS8-C and an M8650. I toggled in an ASCII printing
routine from the 1973 -8/e handbook (page 4-4, IIRC) and I didn't see anything
appear on the terminal nor the RS-232 traffic light. If you happen to have
a handy TTY test loop up your sleeve, then I'd love to see it. It makes it
much harder to debug hardware when you have to debug your own diagnostic
software at the same time.

I'd still love to hear why a KK8A isn't happy with the -8/e frontpanel. I
would have thought that they were compatible. The OMNIBUS isn't all that
complex. There's not a lot of room for variations.

> Make that work then add pieces. when they are good
> you can transfer them to the 8a.

Here's the problem... I can only test so much of the -8/e with only the
front panel and the docs I have (I don't have a sheaf of toggle-in diags
to try or I would). Once I put the KK8E in the -8/a box, _all_ I can do
is hit the boot switch. It doesn't boot. The KK8A sort-of boots.

There's this enormous testing gap between what I can do on the -8/e with no
ability to load in diag tapes and what I can do on the -8/a with only the OS
to boot. If I at least had an -8/a front panel, I could do some testing in
that frame as well.

> The 8E front pannel is fairly simple and a logic probe will be adaquate
> to shoot it if the switches and lights aren't enough.

Beyond a possible dirty EXAM switch, I have no reason to suspect anything is
wrong with the 8/e front panel.

A secondary question: when WPS throws up the "ABC" at the start of the boot
sequence, what happens between the letters? I have one disk that only shows
the "A" and the CPU locks up. What might that suggest?



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