Upon the date 11:00 PM 9/21/99 -0400, Allison J Parent said something like:
><There is a metal can on the back of the chassis that has a bit of rust on
><the outside, but peeking inside it looks like it is on the the transformer
>Rust is not a factor unless loose bits of it are in the circuts.
><fortunately. As for the kind of cheapie it is, I have no idea... it's a
><rebadged Heathkit sold as a "Bell & Howell Schooles Oscilloscope model
>I'll bet it's a cheapie recurrent sweep design. if so the H sweep should
>have a switch that is marked internal/external... you want internal. There
>should be a sweep rate switch as well.
>lack of vertical deflection is either input set wrong, wrong gain setting
>or possible a input selector switch set for grounded(to zero the input).
>Heath would be a source for a manual in good likelyhood.
Sure would be a good source. But also you can subscribe to one of the
several Heath-related lists out there and get help and a manual from some
of us there (I don't have any Heath scope mans myself). I subscibe to one
which has been a good resource of info for me. Here's the tag lines the
Heath Listserver attaches to each msg (a la the ones ClassicCmp has in the
header most of us see):
>Sponsored by the City of Tempe
>Listserver Submissions: heath_at_listserv.tempe.gov
>Listserver Subscription: listserv_at_listserv.tempe.gov - "subscribe heath
'name' 'call'"
>Listserver Unsubscribe: listserv_at_listserv.tempe.gov - -"signoff heath"
Allison's and Tony's last messages are zeroing-in on what my thinking is as
to your problem(s). Listen to them.
Good luck with it.
Regards, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Wed Sep 22 1999 - 08:48:07 BST