7900A drive: 1 , Me - 0 also - 7908 available possibly? + email address change...

From: Ethan Dicks <ethan_dicks_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Fri Sep 24 09:17:34 1999

--- Jay West <jlwest_at_tseinc.com> wrote:
> Any cloth I've tried around the
> house doesn't seem to be "lint-free", and leaves many little threads and
> stuff behind. Has anyone found any common cloths that don't do this? I was
> wondering about an old undershirt, etc. Ideas?

Don't use an "around the house" cloth. The right tool for the job are
laboratory "Kimwipes". They are non-woven, truely lint-free wipes for
labware. I know of FE's who have cleaned RK packs with a squeeze bottle
of isopropyl (95%+ IIRC, not 70%) and Kimwipes.

Besides a chem lab, I don't know where to get them, but they are what you
want. I wish I had a box.


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Received on Fri Sep 24 1999 - 09:17:34 BST

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