>On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 11:26:59AM -0600, Roger Ivie wrote:
> > I don't know anything about the BIOS implementations on the Z80
>cards, but I
> > use the exact same executable of Kermit on a variety of CP/M hardware.
>It's been a while, but I clearly remember that building CP/M Kermit for
>the TRS-80 Model II required a special version of one of the source files
>(probably just for SET SPEED etc., the Model II wasn't as weird as the other
>TRS-80s so ORG 100H wasn't a problem), and they had versions for lots of
>other machines too. Maybe you're safe on any machine as long as you don't
>try to set the comm parameters though.
In addition to not setting the comm parameters, the BIOS must support the
IOBYTE. I don't know if this is the case for the Apple add-in cards, which
is why I said "I don't know anything about the BIOS implementations on
the Z80 cards" above.
Roger Ivie
Not speaking for TeraGlobal Communications Corporation
Received on Fri Apr 28 2000 - 15:01:06 BST