New finds: HP9825 etc.

From: Joe <>
Date: Thu Aug 3 08:08:03 2000

At 01:25 AM 8/3/00 -0400, you wrote:
>Found an HP85 and HP9825, both in working order, except presumably for
>the tape drives. The latter is an HP9285A with the full-travel keyboard,
>and a full set of ROMs: string/adv. programming; 9872A plotter / general
>i/o; matrix; and 9885 disk. No interfaces though; I went back to the
>du^H^Hstore to look, but they were nowhere to be found. Question: Are the
>interfaces the same as those used on the HP9845?

   Yes, the interfaces are the same but the ROMs are very different. Do
you have a 9845? You can find some descriptions and pictures of the
interfaces at "" and
"c". Does the 9825 have the
pull-out system ROM in the side or only a slotted cover? If it has the ROM
then it's a 9825 A, if it has the slotted cover then it's a B model.

>Elsewhere, (perhaps slightly off-topic), bought a Litton/Monroe 1655
>programmable desktop calculator (with nixie-tube display). Cracked case
>and a couple of missing keys; haven't powered it on yet.
>Also got a 6800 evaluation board, MEK6800D2, with hex keypad & LED display.

   That's cool. The 6800 evaluation boards are rare. That module is
described in Motorola's MicroProcesor Applications Manual for the 6800. I
HIGHLY recommend that book if you're interested in the 6800s.

>Kevin Schoedel
Received on Thu Aug 03 2000 - 08:08:03 BST

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