Lionel Pinkhard <> wrote:
> Does somebody here know about a program I can use to emulate the original
> 8086-based computers? What I'm looking for is a program that can emulate
> (on either Dos, Windows or Linux):
> - The Intel 8086 processor
> - 640KB RAM
> - 360KB Floppy drive
> - Small hard drive (optional)
> - CGA graphics card
> Emulation of the IBM ROM BASIC, and IBM ROM BIOS, is also greatly desired,
> although, I am not sure whether these can be legally copied :-). Emulation
If you simulate to the processor level, you don't need to simulate the
ROM BIOS and BASIC. You just run the real ones on the processor simulation.
Anyhow, I think M.E.S.S. does what you want:
Received on Mon Aug 14 2000 - 07:31:06 BST