>This garbage will never fly.
>I'd buy *LOTS* of non-CPRM drives right *now*,
>as they will be in very high demand around this
>time next year, if these clowns get away with this.
>On Thu, 28 Dec 2000 20:48:37 -0600 (CST) Paul Thompson
><thompson_at_mail.athenet.net> writes:
>> Here are some (OT) disturbing developments in the (OT) field of IDE
>> cloning.
>> http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/2/15620.html
All of the serious pirates I know only have ONE major hardware area of
spending, hard drives and CDR. If this was seriously coming, they would
just go shopping.
Besides I don't see how this could get around a trivial solution of
encapsulating or even just encoding the data with a software layer.
The spooky notion would be that the "data" is NEVER available. You buy a
new CD, and the music is all encrypted, with a "key" that gets passed
directly to playback hardware so that the music "data" never exists where
it can be directly accessed. Blocking access to the analog data I don't see
as likely, but watermarking that data is VERY likely.
I only can hope the unwashed masses see this for the trap it is and just
walk away like they did with the pay per view DVDX stuff.
Received on Fri Dec 29 2000 - 01:57:48 GMT