Getting a good job

From: R. D. Davis <>
Date: Mon Jul 3 16:05:26 2000

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
> in support; my boss is an athelete, and since that's the paradigm
> he's most familiar with, he expects me to be working from some
> playbook: you know, 3rd down, 50 yards, use play #32.

No idea what that means; I don't know much about football - not really
anxious to learn anything about it either. Perhaps you've just hit
the nail on the head regarding something wrong with society: sports
like baseball, football, hockey, basketball, etc. need to be done away
with. If people want exercise, let them go swimming, do circuit
weight training or collect and hack computers, ride horses, get
involved in martial arts, etc. - things that are actually good for the
mind and body, as opposed to sitting on a sofa watching a bunch of
overpaid jocks on steriods, with the mental capactiy to utter, "duhhh,
I plays footbawl," tossing a ball around, spitting in public and
scratching their private parts. A good start might be to convert
public parks with ballfields to parks with gardens and convert golf
courses to something more civilized, like horse pastures with space
set aside for weekly hamfests - that is, once the holes are filled in
and the land is detoxified.

Hacking and collecting computers - the bigger the better - is great
for the mind and body; I think that's something we all know. :-)

Speaking of weekly, or even monthly, hamfests, does anyone know of an
area where weekly or monthly hamfests take place like weekly flea
markets appear in some places?

> Sure wish there was an easy way to import that California good
> attitude here; maybe there's something I could drop in the local
> water supply?

More likey it's something in the air supply there... you need to get
someone smoking the right stuff and exhaling it into the exhaust
system in your boss's office if you want that California atmosphere
where you work. You might want to watch one of those films about
Californians to learn more about them... any title with "Cheech and
Chong" in it will suffice. Be forewarned, if you do this, things may
turn out stranger than you want them to, as I hear California's as
strange as New York City and Washington, DC (shudder!). ;-) Good luck!

R. D. Davis             
Received on Mon Jul 03 2000 - 16:05:26 BST

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