> A good soul decided to give me a pile of 3100's. And I know not very much
> about Vaxes. So I started digging before I part with most of them. When
> booting a 3100 it tells you it is a KA41-2,KA41-A,B,D,E, KA42A or B, KA43-A
> or KA45-B
> I could not locate a proper list of what is what in 3100's. Lists I found
> were incomplete or contradictionary. Anyone?
You know, this is an excellent point. I for one am not aware of any lists
that state what a KA42A vs. a KA43-A is. That would be nice.
> What I did find however was that in order to get from a KA41-D to a KA41-E
> you had to switch Eprom. A MicroVax 3100 turned into a VaxServer this way.
> A miracle. What consequences has such a switch for your software? Are you
> no longer allowed to do things? Does some software run and other software
> not?
It creates licensing problems. For example a VAXstation 3100/30 with the
keyboard unplugged becomes a VAXserver 3100/30 and expects some difference
licenses. The solution there being to leave the keyboard plugged in :^)
> Although I have a number of VMS books, I could not locate how to make a
> chinese copy of a disk. It is nice to be able to go back after you tried
> something hazardous.
I don't quite follow what it is that you wish to do. Are you wanting to
duplicate the system disk on one system so you've got system disks for two
systems? Look up Standalone Backup and BACKUP in your books. That should
take care of the basics of that. There are some settings you'll need
to change as I recall. You'll probably want ot have a look at the OpenVMS
http://eisner.decus.org/vms/faq.htm as I think it talks about that.
Received on Wed Jul 19 2000 - 18:00:51 BST