Evil Lurker Won, Gets His Parts

From: Douglas Quebbeman <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com>
Date: Tue Jun 27 16:16:33 2000

> You do realize that PDP-11's are more than just cool toys don't you?
> are people/companies whose livelyhood depends on these systems and their
> continueing to run.

Nah, running a CAT scanner is just child's play.

And AFAIC, I don't really want to play with a PDP-11; I just
didn't want to see an otherwise complete system that was two
components away from total restoration ripped to shreds!

> The only thing I can see that the buyer did wrong was leaving the
> powersupply! At least from what you've said I assume he left
> it. If he went so far as to get the backplane he really should have
> taken that.

He's taking about a third, and leaving two thirds.

The rack is staying behind too. But I guess DEC racks
grow on trees.

Received on Tue Jun 27 2000 - 16:16:33 BST

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