Brand new used C-64 PC

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Wed Mar 15 11:40:57 2000

::For the uninitiated, I think I must at this point issue a warning:
::One is a (can't remember how many. 5+/-1)-pin DIN connector. This is
::Commodore's serial version of GPIB, and is where disk drives and things go.
::The other is the RS232. I can't remember whether that's a separate
::or simply pins on the user port.

It's the port, but it needs conversion. The 64 does not have a "serial port"
in the PC sense per se. I hook up a PeeCee modem to mine through the user port
using a converter that fixes the voltage differences and maps the pins
correctly. You can also buy accelerators that connect the RS232 lines right
into the system bus, which is much faster (CMD T232s, SwiftLinks, DataPumps)
but needs clued software to drive them which fortunately is readily available.

When you say serial port to a Commodore nut, we think the IEC serial bus,
which is where disk drives and Commodore-compatible printers go. Printer
interfaces connect there too.

----------------------------- personal page: --
     Cameron Kaiser * Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Immigration is the sincerest form of flattery. -- Jack Paar ----------------
Received on Wed Mar 15 2000 - 11:40:57 GMT

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