Brand new used C-64 PC

From: Jim Strickland <>
Date: Thu Mar 16 00:51:16 2000

> > The other thing I would like to do is hook it up to my main computer
> > (prolly as a serial terminal) and then get on the net. I aim to recreate
> > the authentic B1FF experience. :) The manual leads me to believe the
> > serial port on a C-64 isn't compatible w/ RS-232, however. :(
> There's a second 'serial port' hidden on some of the pins of the user
> port. This one is also at TTL levels, but at least it's a conventional
> asynchronous one. Add a level shifter (a couple of chips) and you have an
> RS232 port.
> It's not a particularly good one, from what I remember, and it tends to
> drop characters. But it may let you use the machine as a terminal.

I remember now that the *modem* port (as opposed to the DIN periperhal
port) is the one that you can get an RS232 adapter for. I believe CMD
computers is STILL selling one you plug into the cartrige port that goes
much faster. As to the modem port dropping characters, I used to run
mine at 1200 baud while using terminal software (vt100 emulation, even)
without too many problems.
Jim Strickland
                              BeOS Powered!
Received on Thu Mar 16 2000 - 00:51:16 GMT

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