
From: <(>
Date: Mon Mar 20 10:05:52 2000

> In keeping with nerd tradition I've got the thing all in pieces before even
> powering it on for the first time -- boy they sure didn't skimp on screws!
> But the 44-pin connector is right there as promised. I'm thinking of maybe
> doing a tiny PCB rather than soldering 44 individual wires on, I wonder if
> there's a +12V source in hear anywhere so that standard 40-pin IDE drives could
> be used too and not just laptop drives? The case is *really* cramped though.

Probe around for the 12v, likely it can't push much power though.

I plan to build an external IDE as the PS for that it trivial and then I
can use a 3.5" <I don't have any 2.5" handy>. NOTE: all reports say 17mm
thick drives or thinner.

The alternate plan is a booter in flash and use that to get to a Parallel
port box (3.2gb 3.5" disk inside) I've done that using floppy on other

Received on Mon Mar 20 2000 - 10:05:52 GMT

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