Odd Magnetic Media question

From: Peter Pachla <peter.pachla_at_wintermute.org.uk>
Date: Thu Mar 30 17:28:42 2000


> Let's say I've got a stack of 8mm tapes with data on them.
>They're supposed to be good for archival purposes, when
>stored in the proper conditions for 2 years.

Are you sure about that? Two years sounds a bit short.

> The real reason for the question is finding some 4mm tapes
>that are still sealed, and I'd estimate about 8 years old.

If it helps, I've been using DAT for music since 1993. I've got tapes I
recorded then which are fine now, the only problems I've ever encountered
are the occasional dropouts due to tape ware.

  TTFN - Pete.

Hardware & Software Engineer. Sound Engineer.
Collector of Arcade Machines, Games Consoles & Obsolete Computers (esp DEC)
peter.pachla_at_wintermute.org.uk            | www.wintermute.org.uk
Received on Thu Mar 30 2000 - 17:28:42 BST

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