I certainly don't know the seller, but, if you'll send me details, I'll happily
email the guy on your behalf and ask him that very question to the extent that
my somewhat inadequate technical German will allow. Perhaps Emanuel Stiebler
could be persuaded to do that, as he probably knows what to call the main board,
which I'd have to ask someone else.
When I left Germany for the last time, in '69, PCB's were not high on my list of
discussion topics. Things have changed, of course, but my vocabulary in German
has not.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Vickers" <avickers_at_solutionengineers.com>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: CBM 8032 SK
> At 04:17 pm 21/08/2001 -0600, Richard Erlacher wrote:
> >The 200# person is capable of seeing to it he doesn't get hurt, though, while
> >someone else has to be paid to prevent damage to the computer.
> True; but the person doesn't come in a box; is required to be served a
> meal; needs to be kept warm, aired and pressurised; may get drunk and cause
> trouble on board; and if he *does* hurt himself will probably sue the
> airline for large amounts of money. A computer, OTOH, just sits there -
> sort of rectangularly...
> >
> >What you might be able to work with the eBay seller is just to ship the
> >mainboard. How's that sound? Then he can sell the rest again.
> >
> Do you know the seller? Unfortunately, my German is completely
> non-existant. Even so, I'm not 100% sure whether the monitor will work, and
> I'm not risking my only working 8032 mainboard on it... There's one
> en-route to to me from the States which I will risk, but that won't get
> here before the end of the -SK auction.
> Cheers!
> Ade.
> --
> B-Racing: B where it's at :-)
> http://www.b-racing.co.uk
Received on Tue Aug 21 2001 - 23:18:20 BST