> Hmmm...
> Is it coincidence that we have a "Mark GREEN" here who didn't
> look up the original sources?
Unfortunately my early issues of Byte are about 10,000 miles
away, couldn't afford to move them (as it was the air freight
to Hong Kong was a killer, but did manage to bring a SUN
and SGI with me, the PDP11s were too heavy).
> Byte, Issue #1: Copyright 1975 by Green Publishing, Inc.
> Page 9: from the Publisher...
> how BYTE started
> continued to
> Page 96: (signed) Wayne Green
I stand corrected on this, sorry.
His involvement must have been very short lived and quickly forgotten.
By the time I got involved (second or third year, I don't
quite remember, I think it was 1977), Byte was run by a single (as
in unmarried) guy (again I forget the name and have no way of looking
it up). If I remember correctly he did end up marrying someone
involved with the magazine, but that was quite a few years later.
> Better brush up on your family history!
As I said, he was no relation of mine.
Dr. Mark Green mark_at_cs.ualberta.ca
McCalla Professor (780) 492-4584
Department of Computing Science (780) 492-1071 (FAX)
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2H1, Canada
Received on Thu Feb 01 2001 - 22:18:09 GMT