Holy Crap! IMSAI's weren't this expensive when new!

From: Mike Ford <mikeford_at_socal.rr.com>
Date: Tue Feb 13 00:18:39 2001

>>myself to pick up systems (never sold on there) but I've found for
>>me that if I wait and watch long enough, I'll find the exact same
>>thing for much less at some point.
>This is very true. I tell people this all the time, for things that are
>less than 20 yrs old (and thus have a very good chance of still being in
>the original owner's possession) you can trade money for time. The issue is

The great risk is that by the time you find it, you don't really want it
Received on Tue Feb 13 2001 - 00:18:39 GMT

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