The older SunOS system runs very well on this, but condider that if you
need to use a "modern" hard drive, you will be limited to about 2GB (I think)
if you use one of the older OS's. That is why I went to NetBSD, it has kept
up with the latest hardware...
At 12:25 PM 2/14/01 -0500, you wrote:
>> From:
>> Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 16:45:20 -0800 (PST)
>> Probably pretty close to being on topic. You can run up to either Solaris
>> 2.6 or 7 on it. Max RAM is 64MB, or 96/128MB with special S-Bus and
>> piggyback cards (32MB each). Uses Narrow SCSI. I'd recommend checking out
>> OpenBSD or NetBSD for it. It's old and slow so a lightweight OS helps.
>Since this is a retro list, let's not forget Solaris 1 (aka SunOS 4).
>I'm typing this now on a Sun type 3, connected to an IPX running 4.1.4.
>But I'll confess, I'm willing to deal with having to tweak builds on
>occasion, since SunOS4 is hardly mainstream any more.
Received on Wed Feb 14 2001 - 12:07:53 GMT
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