Newton revival?

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Mon Feb 19 22:17:00 2001

--- James Carter <> wrote:
> On 16 Feb, Joe wrote:
> > Don,
> >
> > I had a similar problem with a Newton that I bought at an auction...

> i had this problem with my omp. i found this web page which helped. ymmv

While we are on the topic of Newtons, I'm trying to help a PC user with a
older Newt (M100?) back it up on her computer. She got it from someone
else and has never had any communication software working with it. I've
tried downloading various things from while using a cable I have
that I _thought_ would work (QuickTake 150 -> DA9 cable) but No Go.

Any good resources for siphoning Newts without a Mac?



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Received on Mon Feb 19 2001 - 22:17:00 GMT

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