HP-UX cd's...a partial list

From: Paul Braun <nerdware_at_laidbak.com>
Date: Thu Feb 22 19:30:19 2001

Here's a partial list of what I've got....

These are all for Series 800:

Apps for HP-UX 9.0
Core OS 9.04
Support & Install 9.04

These I'm not sure right now:

Docs v. 10.x
Extensions Date 3726
Extensions Date 3710, 3620

Apps for 10.2 date 3710
Apps ('96) for 9.0

Clintrial 3.3.2

Core OS 10.20 for 700/800
Apps from '98

These are just from the scribbled notes I have. I will try to make a
full, detailed list Monday night and then we can figure out how best
to distribute them. I've had quite a few responses, and I want to see
everyone have a chance. Basically, I just want people to like

I'm thinking the disk sharing idea is good. I don't know if you can
do a direct copy of one of these....would Easy-CD see it as just an
audio cd and copy it accordingly?

That would be a project for someone other than me.

Talk to you Monday.

Paul Braun WD9GCO
Cygnus Productions

"A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without a bunch of bricks tied to its head."
Received on Thu Feb 22 2001 - 19:30:19 GMT

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