Oops. Ok, what I meant was that my C128 can read Kaypro but, if memory
servers, not Osborne and other useful formats.
However, upon further consideration, maybe my best bet would be simply
to put 22disk on a pc box with a nice old disk controller and just use it to
do conversions. =)
In either case, I'm sure I'm boring the list with my mental meanderings.
Anthony Clifton
Des Moines, Iowa
>>It's possible my memory is corrupt. (Or maybe just my mind! =)
> You're correct...I've got the DOS version of Uniform running
>on my IBM 5155.
>>At any rate, can anyone provide me a copy? It'll make it easier to
>>convert stuff on my Osborne diskettes to something my C128 can
> I don't believe Uniform will do C128 disks as, if I remember
>correctly, they used GCR for the encoding. I know it will do Osborne
>and a host of other's though.
> Jeff
> Collector of Classic Microcomputers and Video Game Systems:
> Home of the TRS-80 Model 2000 FAQ File
> http://www.geocities.com/siliconvalley/lakes/6757
Received on Sun Jun 10 2001 - 15:02:20 BST