old external Apple drive

From: DOUG PEKSA - COMPG <PeksaDO_at_Cardiff.ac.uk>
Date: Thu Jun 14 09:08:01 2001

My Western Digital 20AP opens as follows:

1) Grow extra hand

2) Back of case, about 1.5" to right of AC socket, at the
   bottom of the upper half of the ventilation grill is a
   small plastic lug. Depress it with a flat blade
   screwdriver of similar.

3) Simultaenously use two PC (spit !) card blanking plates
   on each side of the case (There is a small 0.5" slot in
   the bottom of the three styling ribs on the side of the
   case) and press to bend the two side plastic lugs

4) You should now be able to lift the top of the case from
   the back while the front edge rotates about the join
   between the upper and lower halves. After lifting a little
   way there will be sufficient play to slide the top of
   the case forward in order to overcome the bits of plastic
   in the top of the case which interlock with the bottom
   of the case.

Received on Thu Jun 14 2001 - 09:08:01 BST

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