At 10:08 PM 28/02/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> My thoughts and prayers go to all of us on the List who have been
>affected in any way by the recent siesmicity in Seattle. I hope sincerely
>that your families, yourselves, and your Stuff is okay.
> Here in India, as you might know, there was a huge quake which levelled
>a whole region, though I live 1250 miles from it, it was felt here (In
> Also, there has been El Salvador, and recently in the Afghanistan
>region, some activity which affected lives.
> I hope to hear good nes from some of the regular members who post from
>the Pacific Northwest.
> Cheers
A rumor circulating up here in the wilds of Canada has it that
Bill Gates was addressing Microsoft employees, and the whole thing was
planned to make sure they were paying attention.
Charlie Fox
Chas E. Fox Video Productions
793 Argyle Rd. Windsor ON N8Y 3J8
Check out:
The Old Walkerville Virtual Museum at
and Camcorder Kindergarten at
Received on Thu Mar 01 2001 - 05:19:25 GMT