What do you people use for tape cleaning ?

From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_pechter.dyndns.org>
Date: Thu Mar 1 08:40:27 2001

> Denatured (wood) alcohol is available in the hardware stores, Walmrt, etc
> and is great for cleaning heads and rubber rollers.
> Also another reason not to use stock rubbing alcohol is the water content as
> it can cause corrosion. Isopropyl alcohol made for head cleaning is over 90%
> alcohol but harder to find and way more expensive, but worth it with the end
> effect.

90% Isopropyl used to be in the local drug stores for $1.00.
It seems the 70% stuff seems to be crowding it out on the shelves... but
it still can be found if you look for it.

Received on Thu Mar 01 2001 - 08:40:27 GMT

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