----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike" <dogas_at_bellsouth.net>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Cc: <dogas_at_bellsouth.net>
Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: Sinclair Toaster
> Then I found a Video Toaster 4000 3.0/40 Amiga 2000 with a GVP scsi/hd,
> a few DPS (Digital Processing Systems) boards in it. It boots fine into
> workbench and into toaster but I haven't hooked up any video sources to
> yet. It's wonderful to finally have Workbench on a harddisk.
> I haven't found much on the DPS cards yet though... I useta use a DPS
> board in a pc with 3dstudio but I'm guessing these are tbc video
> capture/player boards. Does anyone have info on the:
> 1. DPS, 743-860, PTF Rev 2
> 2. DPS-560, 743-800 WFV Rev 3
> Thanks
> - Mike
nice Toaster score! By far the majority of DPS products you'll find
installed in Amigas are indeed ISA-powered time base correctors. DPS
produced 4 versions of ISA-powered TBCs (the Personal TBC, and the TBC II
through IV) that were commonly fitted to the Amiga, as well as the Personal
Animation Recorder that you mentioned. The only other DPS card I've seen
used in Amigas was the V-Scope, and they are unusual except in very
high-end installations.
I'll check my TBCs tonight to see if I can get a match on the board numbers
you mentioned. DPS is still in business, BTW, at www.dps.com. They still
provide some downloads for older products, but you have to do a name search
to find them on the site. There are also some pictures, so you may be able
to do a visual ID. Or you could try the Big Book of Amiga Hardware at
http://hard-ware.de/amiga .
Does your GVC board include an accelerator? Most Toaster systems had at
least an '030, if not an '040. Lightwave needs all the horsepower and RAM
it can get.
Have fun with the new Ami!
Received on Tue Mar 06 2001 - 09:34:30 GMT