Apple LC550

From: <(>
Date: Sun Mar 11 16:57:28 2001

> Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 15:32:23 -0500
> From: Philip Gwyn <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Apple LC550
> Reply-to:

Hi Philip,

> Ainsi parla (
> > I made one myself
> > successfully.
> Doesn't the adapter need to tell the Mac what resolutions it can handle?

Correct! That adapter cable sets the resolutions. Mine is
configured for 640x480 pc standard but in the OS setting it can be
800 x 600. If I want 1024x768, I have to use more VRAM installed and
rewire the adapter. Very minor task and already documented. Can
send you links for that. That seller offered to sell me a mac 14"
monitor for cost of decent sandwich but I knew it's very low
resolution and I don't have space to put that thing somewhere.
Apple's many monitors are fixed frequency monitor only and one
resolution. Yuk.

> > Working on these Macs is far easier than peecees and more fun.
> I don't really know about fun. I was given a Centris 630AV last summer that
> I use to test the web sites I develope on. And, as a long-time Mac hater, I
> must say that Mac OS really is much friendlier and simpler then Windows. As
> long as I have a real computer (read Linux) nearby to do work on, playing
> with the Mac was nowhere near as painful as I thought it would be. My main
> gripe is that applications or version of apps for 68k machines are becoming
> few and far between.

Mac is fun to work on after you hack a HD SC formatter w/
regedit (easy) so you can support non-apple scsi hds. Again,
that's documented on 'net. Keep searching and get lucky if you can
buy another Mac full of software on it's hd.
> BTW, I haven't found out how to use the AV inputs on the Centris yet. Where
> would I find a small app that would read the video/audio in and display it
> on the screen, at least. This would make (albeit silly, noisy, large)
> monitor for my C64, TI-99 and various Ataris and Odesseys.

There's a way, you will find a way. And ask here.
> -Philip


Received on Sun Mar 11 2001 - 16:57:28 GMT

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