Carter AFB.. he he!

From: Russ Blakeman <>
Date: Sun Mar 11 22:22:12 2001

Was there a Carter AFB? After 20 yrs in the AF I'd heard of a lot of old
base names but I don't think Ive ever heard of a Carter.

=> -----Original Message-----
=> From:
=> []On Behalf Of John Lawson
=> Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 9:47 PM
=> To:
=> Subject: Carter AFB.. he he!
=> When I saw the message header, I thought that it referred to Carter Air
=> Force Base, and, looking at the +20K length, I was sure that someone had
=> discovered a long-forgotten warehouse stuffed full of classic Big Iron
=> from times gone by...
Received on Sun Mar 11 2001 - 22:22:12 GMT

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