Found a Commodore SX-64 but with a strange problem.

From: Hans Franke <>
Date: Fri Mar 16 07:58:50 2001

> > The SX is, beside some minor changes and a complete different
> > layout just a way ordinay 64 - so no special chips - grap
> > another 64 and exchange the chips - basicly everything
> > may be damaged .... except the RAM - RAM errors are quite rare.
> > All relevant chips are socketed.

> FWIW, the only fault I have ever had with my C128 was bad RAM -- bit 2
> IIRC. It caused some strange screen displays, and the machine kept on
> crashing to the monitor, etc.

Well, given a million 64s we may experiance every possible
and impossible fault :))

> Fortunately, the RAMs were standard 64K*1 parts that I have lots of...

Jep. I lifted a C64 Memory to repair my Apple ][+ (it's
a handmade 192 K Version :)


VCF Europa 2.0 am 28./29. April 2001 in Muenchen
Received on Fri Mar 16 2001 - 07:58:50 GMT

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