VAXstation 3200

From: Zane H. Healy <>
Date: Sun Mar 18 22:31:31 2001

>I don't want to say that anybody is wrong, especially since my Vax
>knowledge is very small, but I thought the Vax Stations were the later
>desktop type machines?
>Chad Fernandez

The first VAXstations were in BA123 or BA23 chassis. I've got a ]
VAXstation II/RC and a VAXstation II/GPX both in BA23 chassis.

Actually I've seen info on one terminal that would let you argue the
original VAXen, such as the VAX-11/780 were the first VAXstations :^)

| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| (primary)    | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
| (alternate)  | Classic Computer Collector |
|     Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing,    |
|                   and Zane's Computer Museum.                 |
|                     |
Received on Sun Mar 18 2001 - 22:31:31 GMT

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