pdp 11s to be auctioned at Goddard

From: Brian Roth <broth_at_heathers.stdio.com>
Date: Wed Mar 21 20:15:07 2001


   That could work for the salvage yards as well. I have a nice digital
camera to take shots of this stuff here locally. The only problem is
that the stuff gets recycled pretty darn quick. I try to save what I can
but until I get my new building put up, I'm bursting at the seams.


Dave McGuire wrote:

> On March 21, Bill Pechter wrote:
> > Too bad classicmp together couldn't bid for an entire lot.
> > 11/44's, TU77's...hmmm.
> That's an interesting idea. Form a club centered around the list,
> maintain an online bank account, take pre-auction votes on maximum
> bids for a particular lot, and have a person local to each relevant
> auction go on behalf of the group.
> -Dave McGuire
Received on Wed Mar 21 2001 - 20:15:07 GMT

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