Take it easy. Its a joke. Sheesh...
How about saving over 400 computers and the collection is still growing
daily. Would you say I've done my share of saving life? Keep it light.
Your signature says it all... Don't have a cow man.....
"R. D. Davis" wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Mar 2001, Brian Roth wrote:
> > Don't rule out the VAX 11/725. A nice end table with a little more
> > room on top. Remove the RC25 and you have a nice storage area for
> > your snacks....
> Is this supposed to be a group about preserving or destroying classic
> computers? There are people on this list who want to obtain, use and
> preserve such equipment as those VAXen; we don't need idiots buying
> the remaining few, tearing their insides out and then using them as
> furniture -- that's even worse than sending the equipment off to a
> museum to rot away and never be used again.
> --
> Copyright (C) 2001 R. D. Davis Ancient guru who see future once say:
> All Rights Reserved "wise man who meditate upon immortal wisdom
> rdd_at_perqlogic.com 410-744-4900 of Bart Simpson's words: "Don't have a cow,
> http://www.perqlogic.com/rdd man" will enjoy interesting life."
Received on Wed Mar 21 2001 - 20:10:32 GMT