Ethan Dicks wrote:
> --- brian roth <> wrote:
> > Ethan,
> >
> > Its one of my favorites. Still looking for the RC25 to fill the hole
> > though.
> I only ever had my hands on the one in my old VAX. They were available
> standalone, but pricey.
> > The console tape drives need to be repaired so it no longer boots.
> What's the problem? Rollers turn to goo? Electronic failure?
Major Goo...
> > I remember hearing that someone either tried, or successfully used a PC with
> > a term program to send over the bootstrap loader.
> There is out there a TU-58 emulator for PeeCee. I've seen it and I've always
> wanted to put one together, perhaps with a floppy drive so it would be possible
> to still swap media, after a fashion. With the things I've been playing with
> in the modern hardware arena, I've also contemplated taking the emulator and
> sticking a modern CPU in one of these encyclopedia-sized cases I have and
> adding a text LCD display on the front and a couple of buttons (though the
> joystick port) and building up a virtual tape library. The ultimate
> incarnation would be able to hang a _real_ TU-58 off of it and be able to read
> and write _real_ tapes as well as act as a cache/jukebox. In that form, it
> would make a nice standalone backup device for DECtapeII.
> Got a drive I can borrow in a VT103, got hardware, got the RSP spec (Radial
> Serial Protocol), got tapes. Don't got time. :-( It's been on my fantasy
> project list for ten years and has managed to only move _down_ the priority
> list since then. Maybe when I dig that 11/730 out of the storage locker...
Sounds like a very cool project. I have been wanting to toy with interfacing an LCD
display with a cheapie PC to use as a MP3 player in my car. The Winamp parallel
port <>LCD connection seems to becoming a bit of a standard of sorts. I even have
an LRP package for interfacing an LCD to my router so you can watch the IP traffic.
Way cool project BUT the display is still in the bubble wrap. Same problem, little
> -ethan
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