[Fwd: NeXT's available]

From: LFessen106_at_aol.com <(LFessen106_at_aol.com)>
Date: Mon Mar 26 20:27:17 2001

In a message dated Mon, 26 Mar 2001 9:20:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Obi-Wan_at_MacHeretics.com" <kyhansen_at_speakeasy.net> writes:

<< I'm in for a complete station. I know the cubes are spoken for.

Kyle Hansen

Just a thought, but does anyone on the list have the OS for these beasties? I just checked and NetBSD isn't quite ready for prime time on them yet, and neither is Linux unfortunately...
-Linc Fessenden
Received on Mon Mar 26 2001 - 20:27:17 BST

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