Levco Macintosh Transputer on Ebay

From: Ram Meenakshisundaram <rmeenaks_at_olf.com>
Date: Fri Oct 12 09:48:18 2001


Here is a link to a Levco Macintosh Transputer board on ebay.


I am not connected to this listing, just passing on the information.
I have some
information on this board if anyone is interested, but I do not have any

drivers for it. If anyone has them, I'll be happy to host them on my



      ( o o )
|                        Ram Meenakshisundaram        |
|                        Senior Software Engineer     |
|                        OpenLink Financial Inc       |
|  .oooO                 Phone: (516) 227-6600 x267   |
|  (   )   Oooo.         Email: rmeenaks_at_olf.com      |
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Received on Fri Oct 12 2001 - 09:48:18 BST

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