IBM PC system meant something different back then :)
Here's the list, for Norm, Erik, Dave and anyone else who inquired or may be interested; a little musty but generally in good shape.
24/26 Card Punch/Printing
46/47 Tape-to-Card Punch
56 Card Verifier
65/66 Data Transceiver/Printing
77 Collator 2, 1 no cover
82/83/84 Sorters
101 Electronic Statistical Machine 2, 1 no cover
402/403/419 Accounting Machine 3, 1 no cover
519 Electric Document-Originating Machine 2
519 ditto, Principles of Operation
528 Accumulating Reproducer
548/552 Interpreters
549 Ticket Converter
550/551/552 Card Interpreters - Principles of Operation
557 Alphabetic Interpreter - Preliminary
601 Electric Multiplier - Principles of Operation
602-A Calculating Punch
604 Electronic Calculating Punch 2
650 Magnetic Drum Data-Processing Machine
654 Auxiliary Alphabetic Unit
602-A Calculating Punch - w/wiring diagram
77/85/87/89 Collators
402/403/419 Accounting Machine w/wiring diagram
24 Base 24/26/27/28/46/47/56/65/66/526/534/536/824/826/834/836,
Wiring diagrams for 024 and 056 only
Also, some interesting pamphlets about system design, procedures & control with these machines and I'll even throw in ref manuals for a Honeywell 400 and the Burroughs B200 Series (not the famous B205, but 250-280).
The stack is abt 7" high, wt. abt. 10 lbs.
Don't know about any others, but FWIW, I see there's a 604 manual at:
What I'd like to do to save time & trouble is ship it all to Norm since he generously offered to scan it, and then you can sort out who needs and gets what.
Received on Wed Oct 17 2001 - 20:23:51 BST