----- Original Message -----
From: "M H Stein" <mhstein_at_usa.net>
To: "'ClassicComputers'" <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2001 6:16 PM
Subject: AIM65 items in Toronto
> Sorry Paul, got a little overwhelmed by replies to my various posts
and did indeed miss you somehow.
> Yup, except for some manuals (but there are lots more), everything's
still here; just haven't found it all or sorted through it yet after
my recent move. No 68000 stuff though, just AIM and S100 stuff (except
for the oddball items and of course CBM and PC stuff, but I don't dare
mention that here - but just in case anyone wants an original cassette
PC MB or some of the interesting add-on cards from that era.... :-)
Will you please stop posting these teasers :)
I only have a small Toyota Corolla and I will have to bring my wife
with me if I'm making a trip to Toronto.
What sort of odd ball items are we talking about here?
The cat is acting much better now, but he's been off the antibiotics
since he started vomiting. The Vet wants him to have them for 6
weeks, we started with the liquid following surgery then he developed
a reaction to it, we then switched to the pill and he developed
another reaction, we switched meds and he started vomiting.
Received on Wed Oct 17 2001 - 18:03:49 BST
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