> So I find this nice little program called "Toot", which "toots" Spectrum
> snapshots into the earphone socket of said machine.
> What happens when I plug the machine in? A hideous smell, that's what. Now I'm
> back at square one. No working Speccy. All I get is a black screen. When fine-
> tuning the receiver, the border is sometimes visible.
> Is there something irreplacable, like the ULA, which has broken, or is it the
> CPU (I've got plenty of those) or just some discrete component?
I don't know which Spectrum this is, but when one of my TS1000's (ZX-81)
blew its ULA the symptoms were near-identical.
----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser_at_stockholm.ptloma.edu
-- He whose face gives no light, shall never become a star. -- William Blake --
Received on Sun Oct 21 2001 - 21:16:02 BST