Um, SOL50 fell in my lap

From: Bob Stek <>
Date: Fri Oct 26 11:19:58 2001

I'm still a little confused. Processor Technology Corp. (not Processor
Technologies - couldn't find a reference for them on the web) best known
machine was the Sol-20 - 8080 based in a blue metal cabinet, keyboard
built in, with walnut wood sides. They supposedly made a small number
of Sol-10's, and were planning on both an S-100 color board and a
revised Sol - a Sol-II? Not sure of the name. Could what you have be a
prototype? Their Helios drives were also packaged in a blue case and
the drives were mounted vertically. I have owned Morrow assembled
Discus 8" floppies, their first 5.25" hard drives (5, 10, 15 and 20 MB
IIRC), and have worked on a 14" Morrow hard drive. I don't recall a 10"
wide 7.50 MB drive. I do recall and had owned a 15 MB 5.25" drive from
Morrow - I suppose if it had a bad platter it could have been sold as a
7.5 MB drive. IIRC, their drives just had the standard Shugart or
Seagate black face plate and activity LED sticking out of a non-descript
chassis with power supply, and had ribbon cables to attach to the S-100
controller card.

Are we any closer to identifying this machine?

Bob Stek
Saver of Lost Sols
Received on Fri Oct 26 2001 - 11:19:58 BST

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