From: Richard Erlacher <edick_at_idcomm.com>
Date: Fri Oct 26 15:38:05 2001

I guess I have my definitions wrong. I thought that if a device was
commercially available a decade ago, it's considered "classic" for purposes of
this list. What is the spec? My first VLB motherboard was alive and well in


----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Quebbeman" <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com>
To: <classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org>
Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 9:12 AM
Subject: RE: VLB SCSI?

> > The AHA2842 is a narrow-SCSI card, though it's possibly the best ADAPTEC
> ever
> > produced. I've been using them for years without a hitch, while their newer
> > cards, (2940, 3940, 3985, etc) seem to bring with them both a short life and
> > lots of compatibility issues.
> >
> > Unfortunately, the VLB is alread a "classic" feature, having been "dead" now
> for
> > over a decade.
> While I'm sure they exist (i.e. EISA ones), I don't have any 486 motherboards
> that aren't VLB boards, the most recent of which was bought new in 1994.
> Still, while not-quite-classic, VLB sure isn't leading the industry...
> -dq
Received on Fri Oct 26 2001 - 15:38:05 BST

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