On Fri, 26 Oct 2001, Gunther Schadow wrote:
> TU81, it's quite a bit deeper. The side-walls appear to be just
> locked at the bottom and then hooked such that one can lift it
> up and off, like the TU81's side walls. However, they do not move
> no matter how hard I try. I don't find any screws holding them,
> though. And with the sidewalls on, I cannot remove the top-cover
> either.
> So, I was hoping I could at least take it into two pieces by
> moving the whole core out in one piece. Apparently that central
> unit is just screwed on the front, like a rack-mount device.
> Indeed I can move it out quite far. But then it stops at a
> protruding piece of the backplane circuit board! There seems
> to be no way to move that core all the way out other than by
> removing the backplane circuite board. And I'm not going to do
> that.
I tried to disassemble a HSC70 and ran into much the same problem. I did
take the backplane out thinking that would assist in removing the sides
and regretted it. It was definitely assembled in a manner that made all
the cabinet components basically inaccessible.
I still have that backplane somewhere.
Received on Fri Oct 26 2001 - 23:06:43 BST